As the title says, this page consists of theories that fans came up with that may be plausible.
1. There's a chance that Vergil's power is exactly equivalent to Dante's, or possibly stronger. If Vergil wasn't so power hungry, he may have an equal or better chance against Dante. (Theory made
up by quite a bit of fans)
2. Dante may be richer than we think. With how much debt he owes, he may be saving most or all of it somewhere. (Theory made up by Deviantart user, Karaii)
3. Dante's and Vergil's last name may possibly be Sparda. In DMC1, Mundus mentions, "Again, I must face a 'Sparda'". So Sparda may not have a middle and last name, so his one and only name got passed down to Eva, Dante and Vergil. (Theory made up by quite a bit of fans)
4. Sparda may possibly be still alive. In DMC1, it stated "until his death" but his death wasn't explained. He either may have been defeated by Mundus or his minions, or he may have been warped to another dimension, or he may be acting anonymous amongst society. (Theory made up by quite a bit of fans)
5. Gloria's appearance may be based off of Lady Gaga or a Japanese fashion trend known as Ganguro/Yamanba-kei (Lady Gaga theory made by a person named Jacob, Japanese trend theory made by this website's creator)
6. Vergil's reason for more power could be because he wants to see if he can take on Sparda, if Sparda is still alive (Theory made by person named Juan, aka FlamerXMagofire on Deviantart)
7. Dante may be suffering from depression. He shows signs of it in the Anime and the DMC3 manga. In the anime, we witness his negative attitude, his tendency to drink heavily, and the ending
credit's theme. In the DMC3 manga, he doesn't have the motivation to want to do anything, and mostly stays reclusive in his shop. (Theory made by quite a bit of fans)
8. Despite Dante's DMC3 appearance and DT form in the Marvel vs CapCom universe, it's hard to tell how old/how much older Dante really is. In DMC3, he's supposed to be 18-19 years old. His facial
features make him look older in the MvC universe, and his hairstyle looks like a mixture of his DMC1, DMC2, and DMC3 hairstyle. He also seems to know Trish in MvC3. In conclusion, his age could
be between 29 and 34. (Theory made by quite a bit of fans)
9. With the possibility of Vergil still being alive after the events of DMC1, he may have become the new King of Hell, which is the reason why Dante in DMC2 decides to "go all the way to Hell".
If not Vergil, then Sparda (If Sparda's still alive). (Theory made by artist DivineStar, aka DS, Crystas and Elix-DS)
10. In the developer interviews of the 3, 1, 4, 2 Graphic Arts book, it states a few times that CapCom isn't sure what to do with DMC2, and was thinking of making it in some sort of parallel
world. With the whole parallel world idea, DMC2 Dante could actually be a parallel Vergil, hence why his personality changed from the other games (Despite the producer admitting that he wasn't a
fan of joke cracking, wise-ass characters), why he looks a bit younger than his DMC4 self, and why he fully accepts his demonic abilities (According to the HD Collection). (Theory made by
Deviantart user, Karaii)
11. In the Anime, Dante hints that he misses Trish being around him. After the events of the Anime, Trish may have come back to him (As a partner, of course), which is why he's in a better mood
in DMC4. (Theory made by a person named Harshit)
12. Nero may be deaf in his right ear. The events point to:
- Him leaning his head off to the left side when listening to his tunes, while Sanctus is talking.
- Him covering his left ear when Kyrie shows up to see her gift.
- His taunt where he asks, "What you say?"
- Him covering only his left ear when Bael yells at him.
(Theory made by this website's creator)
13. If Vergil is still alive, a possibility for how he is could be that he escaped from being contained in a hidden area that connects to Agnus' lab. The summoning of the Hell gate was probably not only done with Yamato but using Vergil as well, hence why some of the demons summoned sort of represent Vergil in his Nelo Angelo form, and why they are known as Angelos ('Angelo' most likely being a hint for this connection). (Theory made by Deviantart user, Karaii)
14. In the one concept art of DMC1, Dante has a stuffed teddy with him (Which was meant to be a gift for someone from a scrapped story idea). In the DMC1 novel (Despite it being non-canon with the series), Dante has a display of plush toys in his shop after setting it up. In the actual series, he may have a secret plush toy collection hidden in his bedroom. (Theory made by this website's creator).
15. Despite Dante's 'too cool for school' personality, he's more intelligent than we think. He's probably also secretly a literary nerd, with his Hamlet stunt he pulled before his fight with Agnus in DMC4 being a hint. And how he uses his words with his narration in the intro of the Last Judgement pachislot game (Theory made by uncledante on Tumblr).